RNE practice
The future world https://learningapps.org/5602690
Section 12 https://learningapps.org/display?v=pvv9ncqw220
Section 12 nouns https://learningapps.org/display?v=pcn2tua4321
Here I welcome all English- lovers. Join me in the gap into a novel experience, pleasure and fun of videos, stories, presentations, quizzes in English. There is a translator corner at your hand and the items for your comments to the right. With love and best wishes, Nina Galdina
The future world https://learningapps.org/5602690
Section 12 https://learningapps.org/display?v=pvv9ncqw220
Section 12 nouns https://learningapps.org/display?v=pcn2tua4321
https://www.engvid.com/how-to-talk-about-your-job-in-english-10-key-verbs/ speaking about jobs
https://www.engvid.com/talking-about-your-profession-in-english/ what do you do? (speaking about professions)
ENGVID lessons
https://www.engvid.com/10-english-idioms-people-at-work/ IDIOMS_PEOPLE AT WORK
On Tuesday, when
it hails and snows,
The feeling on me grows and grows
That hardly anybody knows
If those are these or these are those.
On Wednesday, when the sky is blue,
And I have nothing else to do,
I sometimes wonder if it's true
That who is what and what is who.
On Thursday, when it starts to freeze
And hoar-frost twinkles on the trees,
How very readily one sees
That these are whose -- but whose are these?
Cottleslon, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.
A fly can't bird, but a bird can fly.
Ask me a riddle and I reply:
"Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie."
It's very, very
'Cos I know I had some honey:
'Cos it had a label on,
Saying HUNNY,
A goloptious full-up pot too,
And I don't know where it's got to,
No, I don't know where it's gone --
Well, it's funny.
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,
Tiddle-iddle, tiddle-iddle,
Tiddle-iddle, tiddle-iddle,
How sweet to be
a Cloud
Floating in the Blue!
Every little cloud
Always sings aloud.
"How sweet to be a Cloud
Floating in the Blue!"
It makes him very proud
To be a little cloud.
Isn't it funny
How a bear likes honey?
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
I wonder why he does?
It's a very funny thought that, if Bears were Bees,
They'd build their nests at the bottom of trees.
And that being so (if the Bees were Bears),
We shouldn't have to climb up all these stairs.
The royal slice of bread- Баллада о королевском бутерброде-
My tribute to Allan Alexander Milne and my compliment to all book lovers
CHOOSING A CAREER https://learningapps.org/4963583 listening
career-job-occupation https://learningapps.org/14591310
managing a job https://learningapps.org/myapps.php
working lives https://learningapps.org/8691428
traits of character-adjectives https://learningapps.org/13928584