
26 октября 2018 г.

Dear 7th formers! Let's practice the new slogan, joinly invented on new words^ Light a smile on your face and smile cheerfully at the world" (зажги улыбку на своём лице и улыбнись весело миру!)
Here is the list of topicsfor Tuesday (Practical test)
ДОкумент продублирован в домашнем задании в субботу=смотрите электронку)

Lots of love, NA

1.Russia, my homeland
1. Where is Russia situated?
2. What seas and oceans wash the country?
3. Russia is a beautiful country, isn’t it? (Prove it)

2.The political system of the country
1. What is the official name of the country and who rules it?
2. What is the structure of  the Russian government?
3. What are the official symbols of the Russian federation?

3. Russia is a land of talented people.
1. Why is Russia called a land of talented people?
2. What famous person are you going to speak of, and why did you choose him/her?
3. Can you bring any fact from his/her biography and professional work?

4.English is a truly global language in the world.
1. What  is the history of the English language? How many people speak English nowadays?
2. People use English in many spheres of life, don’t they?
3. Why do people all over the world learn English?

5.English in your life.
1. How long have you been learning English? Why do you learn it?
2. What do you do in your English lessons?
3. What do you find the most difficult/interesting?

6.My family
1. Is your family large? How many are you? Have you got any brothers or sisters?
2. Are you friendly? Do you often spend time together?
3. What family traditions do you keep?

1. Have you got many friends?  What kind of people are they? Who is your close friend?
2. What is your favourite  pastime?
3. Is friendship really important in life?(Why?) Are you a good friend?

23 октября 2018 г.

Примерные вопросы к  устному ЕГЭ (task2)

О чем надо спросить Как задать вопрос
1 age restriction Is there a minimum\ any age restriction for this film?
2 availability of (smth) Is (something) available?
3 courses available What courses are available at your school?
4 directions to the hotel\ gym How can I get to your hotel?
5 discounts for groups\ party reductions Are there any discounts for groups?
6 discounts for students Are there any discounts for students?
7 distance from the city centre How far is the (hotel) from the city centre?
8 duration of the course\ tour How long is the course\ tour? How long does the course\ tour last?
9 entrance fee What is the entrance fee? How much is the ticket? How much does (…) cost?
10 hotel facilities What facilities are available at the hotel?
11 if breakfast is included Is breakfast included into the price?
12 if textbooks are included Are textbooks included into the price?
13 location of the hotel\ gym\ club Where is your hotel\ gym\ club situated\ located?
14 online (advance) reservation\ booking Can I book\ purchase a ticket online (in advance)?
15 opening hours (of the club) What are the opening hours (of your club)? When is (the club) open?
16 photo permission\ taking pictures Is it allowed to take pictures during the tour?
17 possible accommodation What kind of accommodation do you offer?
18 double\ single room price per night What is the double\ single room price per night?
19 price of a three-week course How much is a three-week course? How much do I have to pay for a three-week course?
20 refund for a ticket Can I get a refund for the ticket if I miss the concert?
21 variety What kinds of ...?

Вопросы в задании  2 (устно) можно задавать разные. Это зависит от ситуации, которая дается. Наиболее часто встречаются общие и специальные вопросы. Реже разделительные, к подлежащему и альтернативные.

22 октября 2018 г.

Темы эссе для 11ых классов- дом задание на среду, 24 октября

Comment on the following statement.
It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment.
Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an introduction (paraphrase the given statement and state the problem)
– express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
– express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
 make a conclusion restating your position

Общая картина эссе:
 ------5 абзацев,
-----первый и последний как в зеркале- в первом вступление и постановка проблемы, в последнем-заключение и утверждение собственного мнения.
Клише поабзацно:
1.    It is common knowledge…it has become a tradition….it is becoming a tradition…nowadays more and more people are concerned about…the fact is….(вступление---перефразируем тему и сталкиваем две точки зрения, обозначаем проблему)
2.Абзац с личным мнением—I,personally, believe….in my point of view….in my opinion….as far as I am concerned…there is a public opinion that….and I agree     Далее приводим аргументы 2-3 факта-доказываем своё мнение чётко и ясно. Клише: To begin with…furthermore…finally  ИЛИ:Firstly…secondly…thirdly
3. Абзац с мнением других людей- противоположная идея и её доказательство !1-2-аргумента ваших оппонентов: However, there is another point of view….still, there are opponents who claim…on the other hand, lots of people declare that…
4. Абзац, в котором вы спорите с противоположной позицией и приводите доказательства (То есть, контр-аргументируете) Клише:However, I strongly object to the opponents’ opinion….however, I disagree… still, I cannot agree with such viewpoint….
5. Заключение и вновь чётко своя позиция (Мы побеждаем окончательно): By way of conclusion I claim…in conclusion I must assume…