
27 декабря 2020 г.


Hello, everyone!

 Here is the link to the traditional royal greetings from Buckingham Palace at Christmas - the Christmas message of the British monarch-Queen Elizabeth II. watch it, the ideas are universally cherished, the speech is really persuasive 

and here is the video without subtitles for those who want to practice Royal English

and some more links-this time with reference to  FINANCIAL LITERACY  on LEARNINGAPPS site:

24 декабря 2020 г. -это ссылка на краеведение в субботу-26 декабря. распределите в группе, кто какой город Кузбасса сможет представить и дополнить новой информацией.

Our goal is learning how to render from Russian into English correctly and rightly.

Christmas is coming! click on the deer to launch its moving!


  Do you remember, it's Christmas Eve tonight?

Christmas Eve is the evening or entire day before Christmas Day

Christmas Day is observed around the world, and Christmas Eve is widely observed as a full or partial holiday in anticipation of Christmas Day. Together, both days are considered one of the most culturally significant celebrations in  Western society.

Many varying cultural traditions and experiences are  associated with Christmas Eve around the world, including the gathering of family and friends, the singing of Christmas carols, the illumination and enjoyment of Christmas lights, trees, and other decorations, the wrapping, exchange and opening of gifts, and general preparation for Christmas Day.

 Hello, friends!

Here is another video to support our extra- curricular classes in FINANCIAL LITERACY/I asked my colleague to share the personal opinion and motivate you to a successful learning of finance and all...all..all!

21 декабря 2020 г.


Степана Пивовара, 9 А класс,

  победителя городского конкурса на лучший перевод прозы в группе 9ых классов!

И Титову Алину, 9 В класс, занявшую  третье место в конкурсе-номинация-поэзия!


18 декабря 2020 г.

это на понедельник по тексту- восстановить предлоги-  лексическая классная работа на отметку: 

Unit 2 ex 52 a+b Copy and complete the story, reconstruct the prepositions

1.…..every continent,…war zones, deserts and desolate forgotten lands

2/all …the name …freedom, humanity and peace.

3 he took tea…King …Arabia, wrote four books and published hundreds …photos.

4 he shared experiences …talking to schools.

5.he never slept …hotels preferring …bed    ...      … the open air.

6. he wanted  to break …     …. his routine life …Paris.

7 when a Chinese friend invited him ….tea, he took it seriously and  set… …foot. 

17 декабря 2020 г.

 задание на субботу, 19 декабря- краеведение-- 

!!! этого текста нет в старом издании-повнимательнее. пожалуйста!


14 декабря 2020 г.

 Посмотрите, какие замечательные сюжеты получились у девятых классов- всем участникам- отметка на субботу будет по краеведению-кто активнее-"5", кто поскромнее "4", нов все молодцы!

12 декабря 2020 г.

 A very welcoming winter "hello!" to everyone and all!

Here is a little bit about POLITICS and FINANCIAL LITERACY, followed by a few shots of our classroom activities (eco- class, evidently). 

                                                           Nothing personal, just sharing! 

and these are secret agents -007

5 декабря 2020 г.

Вниманию учащихся 9а-б-в классов!

Домашнее задание на понедельник остаётся как было прописано в журнале-Урок 2 

упр 29-30-31 с записями терминов и словобразования в формате ОГЭ !!!! Ведём тетрадь по подготовке к ОГЭ_ не скандалим!!!

и добавляем классную работу-переведите (!!! БЕЗ ПОМОЩИ ГУГЛА) предложения на карточке: (текст прилагается ниже)

В среду эти два задания предъявляем на уроке- перевод с русского наизусть-это наша новая лексика

Don't say I didn't tell.

В понедельник я работаю на городской олимпиаде. в каком режиме пройдут уроки пока не знаю.

В ЛЮБОМ СЛУЧАЕ на среду-оба задания!!!

Текст карточки: 

Render into English (TOPICAL VOCABULARY-Unit 2 )

1 Сегодня все прогрессивные народы и правительства стремятся к продолжительному миру, объединяют усилия, проводят встречи на высшем уровне, переговоры по проблемам мира и войны.

2 Когда представители стран подписывают соглашения, они призывают запретить и постепенно уничтожить оружия мсааового уничтожения, восстановить мир в зонах риска.

3 Очень трудно погасить конфликты и снять международное напряжение.

4 Поэтому (THUS) так важно призывать нынешнее и последующие поколения не использовать силу в международных отношениях, сообща бороться против терроризма.

5 Граждане всех стран наделены правами и свободами, главные из которых: право на жизнь. здравоохранение, работу и жильё, право на справедливое судебное рассмотрение.

6 Международное право должно быть не только провозглашено, но и обеспечено., никакие права не могут быть нарушены или злоупотреблены.

7Благодаря правам граждане должны быть защищены даже во время военных действий, не должно быть заложников, беженцев или узников войны.

21 ноября 2020 г.

 9 A B C

Your home assignment for Monday, November, 23d

1) пройти по ссылке (запись ниже- от 19 ноя) и подготовить свои предложения с составленными фразами-на двух языках сразу-(we have such experience and practice)

2)Topical Vocabulary -Student's Book, p 100, ex 43***+ 44***

9A!!!! on Monday we have an extra class on RNE (ОГЭ)

Happy weekend!

19 ноября 2020 г.

 на понедельник (оффлайн уроки) 23 ноя- пройдите по ссылке !!Сразу делайте записи слов, к ним не вернуться в конце задания-составьте лексические единицы и представьте свои примеры с ними.! сразу на двух языках- анг+рус

 на субботу, 21 ноября 2020-9а-б-в---TASKS:_TEXT+ TASK 5+TASK 

Краеведение 9 form

The Autonomous Industrial Colony   “Kuzbass”

In the summer of 1921 the initiative group of American workers headed by a Dutch engineer communist S. Rutgers and an American communist B. Heighwood offered the Soviet Government to found a colony of foreign workers and specialists in Kuzbass. S. Rutgers, T. Barker, B. Heighwood, G. Kalvert and B. Cornblit left for Kuzbass in 1921. S. Rutgers presented a detailed plan of creation the colony. In this plan Kemerovo was mentioned as an ideal place which answered the purpose.

In November,1921, the Soviet Government signed the contract, according to which,  took control over Kemerovo mines and chemical plants. But the most im-portant thing was that the colony received the autonomy status, i.e. it did not report to the local authorities, but directly to the Soviet Government.

In the early twenties of the last century, more than 650 foreign workers and engineers came to Kemerovo from every corner of the world to help Russia restore the national economy destroyed during the Civil War. Thus, the banks of the Tom river became home for the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass”. The natives from more than 20 countries (Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Serbia, the USA, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Jamaica) came to work in the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass ” in 1922 -1926. Although the colony existed for only 5 years, the colonists managed to contribute substantially to an industrial expansion of Kemerovo as well as the whole region.

Jointly with Russian workers and engineers they modernized several mines, began coke production, electrified the city and surrounding villages, built several brickyards, and agricultural farms, apartment houses, schools, food stores, clubs and roads. Much of what they built is being used by thetownspeople till the present day. The colony was a massive economic and social experiment. The world did not witness anything of the kind before and, possibly, will never witness again. Therefore, it is only appropriate to say that the history of the city of Kemerovo is quite unique. The Red Hill Museum Preserve in Kemerovo is a remarkable place that presents the memory about the colonists.

The history of the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass ” is worth being known about. It means showing respect to the memory of those who lent their helping hand during the time that was the hardest for our country .

Now, Kemerovo Oblast is one of the most economically developed Siberian territories, with about a third of the major manufacturing facilities in Western Siberia. The key sectors include the fuel industry, energy industry, engineering and metalworking, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industry and food industry.

Task 5. Find the English equivalent and recollect the situation from the text:

1.инициативная группа

2. основать колонию

3.иностранные специалисты


5. статус автономии

6. восстанавливать народную экономику

7. уроженец

8. грандиозный эксперимент

9. музей- заповедник

10. значимый вклад

11. вместе с русскими рабочими

12. достойна чтобы знать

Task 6. Chose the right answer:

1. The AIC “Kuzbass” was founded by the initiative group of

a. the Soviet Government

b. the foreign workers

c. the local authorities.

2. The AIC “Kuzbass” was founded in

a. 1921

b. 1922

c. 1926.

3. According to the contract the colony was controlled by

a. the Soviet Government

b. the foreign workers

c. the local authorities.

4. People from ... worked in Kuzbass

a. the European countries

b. all over the world

c. the Eastern countries.

5. The AIC “Kuzbass” contributed greatly to industrial development because

a. they modernized mines

b. they started coke industry

c. they began to develop the regional industry.

Task 7. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) or Not Stated


1. The initiative to establish the AIC “Kuzbass” belonged to the Soviet Government.

a) True. b) False c) Not Stated

2. The activity of the AIC was regulated by the locals.

a) True. b) False c) Not Stated

3. A lot of workers and engineers arrived in Kemerovo from all over the world.

a) True. b) False c) Not

4. The Colony contributed greatly to the industrial development of Russia.

a) True. b) False c) Not Stated

5. The AIC “Kuzbass” was the most successful social experiment of Russia.

a) True. b) False c) Not Stated

6. The Red Hill Museum Preserve in Kemerovo keeps the most important documents of AIC “Kuzbass.

a) True. b) False c) Not Stated

7. Now Kemerovo Oblast is the most economically developed region in Siberia.

a) True. b) False c) Not Stated

Task 8. Paraphrase, using the passive voice.

1. In 1921 the initiative group headed by S. Rutgers offered the Soviet Government to help restore the economy of the Soviet Union.

2. According to the contract, the AIC “Kuzbass ” controlled Kemerovo mines and chemical plants.

3. Local authorities did not control the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass ”

4. Jointly with the Russian workers they modernized mines, began coke production, electrified the city.

5. The Red Hill Museum Preserve presents the memory about the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass”.

Task 9. Answer the questions:

1. What is the AIC “Kuzbass”?

2.When and why was it founded?

3.Why was it called “Autonomous”?

4. How long did it exist?

5. What was done during 1922- 1926?

6.How did it influence the development of Kuzbass?

7. Who was at the head of the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbass”?