
22 апреля 2022 г.

вот и закончилась очередная школьная неделя. мы многое успели и даже "отметили" день рождения уникального автора чудесных рассказов о Винни Пухе и его друзьях-Алана Александра Mилна. 
Звучали строчки из сказок. смотрели видео фрагменты на английском языке, даже выучили пару рифмовок и "сопелок" чудесного мишки!
we had fun!

That's been a hard day long, indeed. thanks god, we are through with Shakespearean readings in both bias- basic and advanced. much was said, much was heard and refreshed, much more is to be explored next year.

I appreciate every tiny or grant share.

Lots of love, N.A.




Saturday, April, 23d  advanced verbs-vocabulary  the key vocabulary to describe the series (films, movies) simple words to speak like a manager how to saу "No" in English !!! VERY Curious!!!  instead of "I don't understand"  (the same amazing guy!!!)

21 апреля 2022 г.


This is to remind that
 W Shakespearean hour is to take place in the Hall (Hyde Park, First floor)
on Friday, 8.55 a.m. (the second and the third academic classes)
                                                             very welcome!