Here I welcome all English- lovers. Join me in the gap into a novel experience, pleasure and fun of videos, stories, presentations, quizzes in English. There is a translator corner at your hand and the items for your comments to the right. With love and best wishes, Nina Galdina
14 января 2022 г.
1 READINGSkyeng---A nice story to comprehend-WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO HAVE A HOBBY
(mind the verbs with the prefix re---(e.g. rearrange....)
The meaning of life isn't all about studying or working hard. If you live only for these things, then you should seriously reconsider your priorities! Let me explain why. When your brain continuously focuses only on work, thinking becomes tedious, your creative ideas begin to wane, and your work produces less than satisfactory results. In order to do well at work and be able to explore new solutions, it is necessary to set aside time for something that serves as a positive distraction; it should both relax and reenergize you mentally and emotionally. Inspiration and ingenuity originate from those moments when our psyche needs relief and we take a mental break.
A hobby encapsulates your true passion. It is what gives you enjoyment, what makes the blood in your veins seethe with excitement and adds a sparkle to your eye. It is a pleasurable challenge that defines what you most want to gain an understanding of in life. A genuine passion for something should constantly stimulate the brain, requiring it to persistently find new angles to solutions, thereby making it more creative and "elastic" in its capability to solve problems.
The brain loves challenges. Therefore, the curiosity you exercise to learn something new will pay off a thousand fold in the long run. For example, you may discover that you are capable of doing something that you hadn't been aware of earlier; some kind of hidden talent. So, today is a good day to discover these amazing capabilities! Notwithstanding, following your heart's desires and interests in the form of a hobby can lead to establishing meaningful social connections. These new connections can be beneficial not only socially but also in business.
So remember, genuine passion is an expression of the pure joy of creativity. It teaches the brain to think more creatively and helps you to get into a state of "flow," where the best solutions come to you naturally.
2 GRAMMAR DRILL adjectives- synonyms
11 января 2022 г.
Some practical tips from our class-
I’ve chosen photo number 1.
Hi, Angela. Let me show you one of my photos.
Имя обязательно. Так друг становится более реальным для слушающего. Лучше использовать имя, которое и в английском, и в русском звучит примерно одинаково. Это мой пунктик: «Почему по-английски разговариваем с русским другом? А если друг иностранец, то почему он имеет русское имя?»
На протяжении всего монолога мы обращаемся к другу и поэтому говорим you.
Сразу показываем, что говорим про свое фото (one of my photos).
Where and when the photo was taken
This photo was taken last year in August. I took this photo in Red Square, in Moscow. I was seeing sights there with a friend of mine.
Дата не нужна. Назовите месяц и год или сезон и год. Внимательно смотрите на фото. Если изображена улица, то какой сезон, есть ли листья на деревьях, какого они цвета, как одеты люди.
Указывая место, называем город или страну. Если в России, то обязательно город.
Когда говорим о том, когда и где сделано фото, используем Past Simple.
Можно сказать, что вы там делали в это время или что происходило там в это время. Но не более одного предложения. Используем для этого Past Continuous .
What/who is in the photo
Let me tell you more about this photo. In the foreground you can see Emma. She is a daughter of my dad’s colleague. And she is my friend. In the background you can see the State Historical Museum.
Называем имя человека и сообщаем его связь с нами: друг, двоюродный брат или сестра и т.д.
Если это портрет и больше ничего не изображено, говорим предложение или два об этом человеке: возраст и\или внешность.
Если есть четкие планы фотографии, то используем in the foreground и in the background. Также можно использовать on the right и on the left.
What is happening
As you can see, Emma is standing with a camera in her hand. She is taking a photo of Red Square and the Kremlin. She is not posing for the photo but she is smiling.
Используем здесь Present Continuous.
Если это портрет, то используем слова posing, smiling, enjoying herself. Можно сказать: I am taking the photo but she is not looking at me.
Why you keep the photo in your album
Do you know why I keep this photo in my album?
Because I want to make a collage of the photos which were taken during this sightseeing trip. And I plan to send it to Emma.
Этот пункт и следующий – про коллаж.
Why you decided to show the picture to your friend
I decided to show this photo to you because I remember that you made a very attractive collage for your sister on her birthday. And I need your advice. I wanted to make this photo the central photo of my collage. Do you think it is a good idea?
Заключительная фраза
That's all I wanted to say.
Второй шаблон: «Негативный»
Суть: вы показываете другу фото, которое предлагаете ему в качестве иллюстрации для его проекта. Вы храните это фото, потому что оно часть вашего хобби.
Подойдет для непозитивных фото, отражающих какие-то проблемы (болезнь, экология, природная катастрофа).
Вообще, такое фото маловероятно, так как в задании сказано, что это фото из вашего альбома, а люди хранят позитивные снимки. Но нет ничего невозможного, поэтому готовимся. Кстати в Открытом банке заданий на сайте ФИПИ есть одна негативная фотография: родители ссорятся, а ребенок заткнул ушки. На примере этого фото я разберу второй шаблон.
Вступление и три первых пункта вы рассказываете так же, как и в предыдущем шаблоне. Например:
I’ve chosen photo number 3.
Hi, Angela. Let me show you one of my photos.
This photo was taken last year in August. I took this photo in my aunt’s flat, in Moscow. I was there with a short visit.
Let me tell you more about the photo. In the foreground you can see Emma. She is my cousin. In the background you can see Emma’s parents. Her mum is my aunt. They all are in the kitchen.
As you can see, Emma is standing with her hands on her ears. That’s because her parents are arguing. Emma is unhappy and doesn’t want to hear the argument. I am taking the photo but they are not looking at me.
Why you keep the photo of your album
Do you know why I keep this photo in my album?
My hobby is psychology. And this photo is a very good illustration of family problems. I expected that one day I might need it for some project.
Why you decided to show the picture to your friend
I decided to show this photo to you because I remember that you have to make a project for school about family relationship. I know you have to add illustrations. You may want to take my photo for this purpose.
Заключительная фраза та же.
Я надеюсь, что вам пригодится этот “двуликий” шаблон, и вы найдете ему применение в вашей подготовке к экзаменам.