
16 апреля 2018 г.

To, 10th formers!
The videos of W/Shakespearean readings (sonnets, in particular)
Watch, mind the rhythm, the structure of what is called "songs of love"

Dear 6th formers!
Нere are the videos to get prepaired with our theatricals- William Shakespeare"s comedies- MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING -Много шума из ничего, A MIDDSUMMER NIGHT"S DREAM-Сон в летнюю ночь+ Tragedy HAMLET_ Гамлет, принц Датский

Dear friends, there are some educational videos to support the grammar pattern-How to agree or reject in English- So do I, Neither can I....
Как "поддаткнуть" и "поднекнуть" на английском!!!