
A word of Wisdom

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UTube links- PHRASAL VERBS quizzes

MAY 30 Princess Diana, Queen of Human Hearts

May 3d


April 10 
today's topic is Happiness!!!!
there are oceans of quotes and advice how to be happy, to stay cool, to keep calm. choose the ones that correspond to your own intentions and can fill your heart with wisdom and sweet tunes.
lots of love, NA

March 2nd

hi, everyone!
would you mind some words of wisdom to support the spirit of the day, very peculiar and important?
here you are:

Hello, friends!
I am launching a new rubric-A Word of Wisdom, which will certainly assist our English studies. It's supposed to bring some quotes, slogans, motivation lines-just anything of this kind. Make use of these lines and enrich your vocabulary. Hope, you'll find the rubric curious and helpful. As Agatha Christie put it:"Good advice is sure to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give  it".
So, I start  with my favourites:

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