
7 октября 2019 г.

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Break your leg!

За­да­ние 9 № 963.
 Про­чи­тай­те тек­сты и уста­но­ви­те со­от­вет­ствие между тек­ста­ми А–G и за­го­лов­ка­ми 1–8. В ответ за­пи­ши­те цифры, в по­ряд­ке, со­от­вет­ству­ю­щем бук­вам. Ис­поль­зуй­те каж­дую цифру толь­ко один раз. В за­да­нии есть один лиш­ний за­го­ло­вок.

1. The parents' decision
2. The students' room
3. The new school
4. Old friends
5. Ambitious plans
6. Location of the school
7. Famous graduates
8. A new learning experience

A. Her parents left and Joanna looked around her new place. It was a large room with five beds — and she was sitting on one of them. There were also writing desks, chairs, bedside units and hangers for clothes. Joanna's classmates-to-be were in the classroom — their beds were carefully made, their clothes and personal belongings — in perfect order. From the large windows was a view of a high, brick wall that surrounded the boarding school grounds.

B. The poor view was a disappointment — Joanna remembered that the way to the school had been very picturesque. They had driven over green hills and past several country houses before pulling up in front of the old monastery right on the bank of a narrow but fast-flowing river. The approach to the school was lined with tall maple trees. The monastery had been built two or three centuries ago but there were no monks there any more — the old building now housed a prestigious boarding school.

C. During the whole trip Joanna hadn't exchanged a word with her parents. She didn't like the idea of learning at a boarding school but her father said there was no other way. He Was quite a prominent statesman. Recently he had been offered a post in another city and couldn't reject it for political reasons. Joanna couldn't go with them as, firstly, there was no appropriate school there and, secondly, he would have to concentrate on the new job. Joanna's mother supported him as she always did.

D. Joanna's mother was obsessed with her education. That's why the famous boarding school that offered all kinds of opportunities seemed an ideal option to her. When Joanna had visited the website, she had been impressed, too. The school had a genetic laboratory and an observatory. The computer equipment was state of the art. The teachers were scientists who published their research in serious scientific journals. It was amazing that all that was hidden behind the walls of a medieval monastery!

E. Joanna started to unpack her suitcase — jeans, socks, a warm jumper. Then she pulled out a photo. It had been taken in her former school before the Christmas show. Her friends, Linda and Emma, were there setting up the microphones on the stage, Neil was busy with his laptop — he was in charge of the Slide Show performance. Joanna sighed — she wasn't going to see any of them before the summer.

F. Joanna left her suitcase and went up to the window. The situation was probably not as bad as it had seemed at first glance. The school could give her career a good start. She'd always dreamt about a career in bio-technology. Joanna believed that human society was about to make some absolutely fantastic discoveries and wanted to participate in the exciting process. A solid education was essential for her, and the school seemed to be the right place to get it.

G. She remembered the photos in the school corridor — people in research laboratories, at scientific conferences and even at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. At first Joanna thought that it was all about the teachers, but then she realized that those were the former students of the school. There was another surprise — along with scholars, there were photos of a famous film producer and even a Hollywood celebrity. The education the school provided seemed to fit any industry.

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