
country study- Kuzbass

14 September 2024
To, those who got cirious about our book 
(some informative pages)

Eager to get your comments, if any.

22 мая 2023 г
Ребята! Всем спасибо за плодотворную работу в этом учебном году!

Best of luck and good riddance to you!

6 мая 2023г
Ребята! все отметки по краеведению на сегодняшний день выставлены в электронный журнал.
Аудиофайлы тех учащихся, кому посылала напоминалки-письма проверены. У остальных отметки за 22 апреля и 29 апреля уже стоят в журнале, вам такого задания не было. "Задним" числом тексты не перепроверяются, отметки не исправляются.
Надеюсь. ситуация предельно ясная.
сегодня, 6 мая стоят отметки за домашнюю и   классную работу- "День победы в Кузбассе". не надо больше никаких работ на проверку. 
ТЕМ, У КОГО "ПРОБЛЕМНАЯ" СИТУАЦИЯ",  пришлю письмо с напоминанеим.
 Остальным- HAPPY WEEKEND!

Ребята! для домашней работы напоминаю базовые тексты о ВОВ, которые мы изучали. зэесь можно взять слова и выражения:

В субботу, 29 апреля закрываем месяц-напоминаю домашнее задание по теме "Культурная жизнь региона"-

 в ваших кроссвордах, пазлах и пр. задания прописываем предложениями (пропуская загаданные слова-вместо них три точки....) кроссворд от Фурман (театр)

April, 8 A new topic


Ребята! за эти две недели опять накопились долги! 
Первое задание-рассказ о знаменитом спортсмене из Кузбасса, 
второе- рассказ о прошедших в Кузбассе играх "Дети Азии"_ в прошедшем времени, с активной лексикой- как делали на уроке. Ниже- фильм и презентация с урока- в помощь.
Цель- научиться рассказывать о спортивной жизни Кузбасса интересно и грамотно!
Гугл переводчик отменяется!
Можете написать свой рассказ в документе ворд-. или сделать презентацию или прислать звуковой файл своего рассказа.
любой вид домашнего задания присылайте на школьную почту 
DEADLINE--Пятница, 10 марта, 18.00
в субботу, 11 марта  все отметки будут в журнале
!!! Кто болел, пропустил по УП- все сдаём!! 

classwork , February 11, Saturday


January, 28 

February 4

Hometask for January, 21st

на субботу, 14 января- текст из новой главы

Ребята! на следующий урок, 24 декабря-задание очень простое, но интересное и творческое:
один слайд в презентации общей от группы- на нём -ваше селфи (или картинка из интернета) и пять предложений

1 Welcome to Kuzbass!(оригинальное приветствие-строчка)
2 This is the land of original children of nature, who were hunters, fishermen and shamans, and who worshipped different spirits and gods. (история, традиции...)
3 it's the region of endless mineral resources, industrial complexes and agricultural farms (промышленный потенциал)
4 here live talented people, famous cosmonauts, writers, actors and architects (таланты, достопримечательности, культура)
5 Best wishes of Siberian great health, ...(пожелания от сибиряка)
some tips how to introduce and describe a war monument(memorial) next class- December,17, Saturday,
(never mind how many classes one has skipped)
В субботу, 17 декабря -совместная презентация-на вашем слайде-фото памятника и несколько фраз-ключевых из вашего рассказа, 
речь-2 минуты
Скрипт рассказа иметь обязательно! 
Смотрите слайды-для подсказки, как написать свой рассказ)
Для тех, кто не был на уроках- выбор города остаётся за вами. Проект оценивается, это работа двух недель. если вы опять пропускаете урок- задание остаётся-присылайте свои работы на школьную почту. при выставлении итоговой отметки за четверть этот проект -обязательный критерий)
(once again- this project is a must!)
Personal greetings to those, who skipped the class, but were present at school- I will mind this fact) 
Удачи! (Break your leg!)

1 Introduction

2 basic story 

3 Use these questions like the plan of your story 


 Here are some samples to support your project work


 Pages Of History; Linking Past And Present     
     The Shores

 Scientists have found indubitable evidence that in the Early Middle Ages no single archaeological culture existed on the contemporary territory of Kemerovo Oblast. It was part of a historical area that, in its origin, is closely connected with the population of today's Tomsk and Novosibirsk Oblasts. However, the fate of the Kuzbass Turks is intertwined with the fate of the Ugro-Samodian people living in the middle reaches of the Ob and Irtysh rivers, in South Ural and along the Kama river.

to, 9th formers,
September, 17

May 10   A list of essential vocabulary for a dictation (Friday, 12 May)

Educational rate Уровень образования
Educational institutions Учебные заведения
General education Среднее образование
Innovative methods, schools, curricula Инновационные методы, школы, учебные планы

Range of specialists Уровень специалистов
A wide variety Большое разнообразие
Their own choices Собственный выбор
Specialized schools Специализированные школы
Particular disciplines Отдельные предметы
The health component Здоровьесбережение
A regional targeted programme Областная целевая программа
Finish school with honours Окончить школу с медалью
Research skills Исследовательские навыки
Gifted children Одарённые дети
Targeted assistance Целевая помощь
Scholarship and grants Стипендия и гранты
Comprehensive and versatile Доступное и разнообразное (образование)
Индивидуальные потребности
Optional education Дополнительное образование
Vocational education Профессиональное образование
Higher education Высшее образование
specialities специальности
Core objectives Основные задачи
Accessibility of high-quality education Доступность качественного образования
Teaching staff Штат, преподавательский состав

Social support Социальная поддержка

MAY 3d, 2017

Ребята! Этот текст нужно переделать попроще и добавить своё= так, чтобы получилась тема к ОГЭ=образовательные возможности для выпускников 9ых классов, никаких  университетов- только колледжи, спец.школы и техникумы и пр. из этого текста возьмите термины и фразы!!!
Educational Diversity of Kuzbass
1.Study the basic stories to comment on the educational system of Kuzbass:
a)    The educational rate of Kuzbass in the Russian Federation
b)    The number and the status of educational institutions in Kuzbass
c)     The innovative methods of the regional educational system
d)    The range of specialists qualified in Kuzbass
Education in Siberia
There are 1,053 institutions of general education in Kemerovo Oblast attended by nearly 313, 000 children.  Currently, Kuzbass can offer children quite a wide variety of schools and curricula so that they can make their own choices. About 16% of schoolchildren study in specialized schools ('lyceum', 'gymnasia') and innovative schools and classes specializing in some particular disciplines.
     Kemerovo Oblast is one of the first regions in Russia that started introducing the health component into education. There are already sixty-seven health improvement centres for schoolchildren in Kuzbass. In 2005 Governor Aman Tuleyev has launched a regional targeted program 'Education and Health'.
     Many educational institutions in Kuzbass are developing and introducing innovative teaching methods and curricula. Perhaps, this is the reason why over 100, 000 schoolchildren in the Oblast have but excellent grades. Every year about 150 children finish school with honours and are awarded gold medals. Over 800 schoolchildren take part in annual regional competitions in various disciplines showing their first research skills. For a few years now gifted children have been receiving targeted assistance (scholarships and grants) under the program 'Kuzbass is Proud of You'.
      The educational system of Kemerovo Oblast is comprehensive and versatile. It covers children of all age groups and takes in account their individual needs. The system includes nearly 1000 pre-school institutions accommodating over eighty thousand children. There are also 166 centres of optional education in Kuzbass offering children various activities in such areas as technology, ecology and biology, tourism, sports and arts. The regional festival 'Young Stars of Kuzbass' has discovered the whole galaxy of gifted children. Thirty centres of children's art have been awarded 'The Model Children's Centre' title.
      The system of vocational education includes over 100 technical schools and colleges training specialists for the national economy, education and health, culture, construction and other sectors. Ten state educational institutions provide higher education. In addition to them, there are sixty-five branches of other Russian Universities and institutes in Kuzbass. In recent 3 years, Kuzbass universities have introduced over 40 new specialities.
     The core objectives of the educational policy in Kuzbass are the accessibility of high-quality education and a social support to the teaching staff and students.
The educational institutions of Kemerovo Oblast employ about 70,000 people. The teaching staff in Kuzbass is highly competent and qualified. Every fifth teacher is a teacher of the highest rank. Over 2,000 teachers working in colleges and universities have PhD degrees.
2/Fill in the table to pilot  a speech.

The name of the educational institution
The kind of education it supplies
The qualification after graduating
The sphere of practical application
Opportunities for career promotion

December, 8
Watch the first episode of the video presentation KEMEROVO (6 minutes duration) and learn the phrases:
(in case of difficulties, press the button SUBTITLES on U_TUBE video)
picturesque bank, worshipping the spirits of nature and fire, a message from an ancient past, a unique monument of the world history, the discovery of coal deposits, the starting point, goes side by side with a legend about a miraculous hill that caught fire, acquire a status, a burning stone, a forward-looking city, sports facilities, the current city population, in the nineteen fifties, city dwellers, architectural contest, the name behind the term of chemistry, the industrial capacity of the city multiplied, worked for the country's defence, a high capacity production facility, has a favourable financial standing, indicator of its success, in terms of production concentration, top 20 cities of Russia, are profitable businesses, today develops dynamically, the well-being of the city improves, highest level of income every year.
 December 7
watch the film for detailed comprehension and interpreting in class

October 17
the key words for the oral story:
=Forefathers, pagans
=worshipped, called the gods
=oral inspiration
=skill, subsequent,
=turned into Christianity, beneficial,
=study of the old folk,
=Radlov, Verbitski

Historical cultural and natural museum-preserve “Tomskaya Pisanitsa” (1)                       FOUND
in 1988. The base of museum is the rock with ancient drawings.
 In Siberia the rocks and stones with ancient drawings have name “pisanitsa”.
 Our museum-preserve (2) on the right bank of the Tom River.                                                             SITUATE
That is why it is named Tomskaya Pisanitsa.
In Russia Tomskaya Pisanitsa is the (3) museum of Rock Art.                                                             ONE
The majority of the images of the Tomskaya Pisanitsa date from the aeneolithic
 period and Bronze Age, III-II millennium B.C. Nowadays the  museum consists of
 the several archaeological and ethnographical expositions in the open air.
 It is brand of Kuzbass! The aims of museum are: providing with varied
 means of access to its collections,(4) visual displays, publications and                        INCLUDE
(5); providing with interpretive information in formats appropriate for                              OTHER
visitors with (6) sight or hearing.                                                                                                    LIMIT
The territory of the museum-preserve includes pine forests rare for the
 Kemerovo region which extend along the right bank of the Tom.
A pine forest (7)about 90% of the preserve territory. A lot of                                                 OCCUPY
 varied species of animals, birds and insects can (8)  there.                                                     SEE
An opportunity (9) a rest in preserved corner of Kuzbass by all                                       HAVE
family,  to see expositions, to visit a mini-zoo and to take part in the

game program with(10) became good tradition of of the townspeople.                

Septemmber 23d                                       
TEXT 2                          CHILDREN OF NATURE
The forefathers of the Shors were pagans and shamen. The ancient belief in spirits, the worshiping of animals, the ancestors cult and witchcraft made them real children of nature. They were helpless against the forces of nature although clever and experienced in their own way. Their moon calendar was a great achievement using which they were able to make amazingly accurate weather forecasts.
         The Shors worshiped the hill from where the water ran and on which his yurta stood. Moreover the hill was considered as a living being and had its character, sometimes capricious, sometimes angry and revengeful.
         The worshiping was done by the kam-shamen, using several tambourines. This noisy and extremely emotional ritual not only captured imagination but it also called the gods, ensured their help, and cherished the beliefs of people in a happy future. Due to this ritual the Shors became aware of the fact that the soul was connected with a string to the god who created the soul.
         Everyday wisdom and experience of the forest people could be seen in everything. Their skills were then passed on to subsequent generations. The Shor hunters would never shoot a sleeping animal, it had to be woken. Making clay crockery the Shors would add wool to make it strong. Fishing nets were made of horse hair, which was never caught by the frost in winter. Hunting was available only to men. Women were strictly forbidden to hunt. This was a tabu: the one who gives birth must not kill. If a Shor died in winter, he would be wrapped into a birch bark and hung to a tree deep in the taiga. This was done not because of barbarism, but for the reason of “deep snows”. The winter would “step away” and allow the man to be buried.
         The local people were turned into Christianity at the same time as the Kuznetsk city was founded. It was done slowly, without haste. The Russian missionaries kept the old principle: “by care not brutality”. According to the tsar’ decree, in 1858 near the river Kondoma the so-called Altai mission (church) was established.  Turning into Christianity was beneficial to the Shors. Gradually families with several wives disappeared, “kalim” ransom was no longer demanded for the daughter to be married, and the girls were no longer sold to grown up husbands.
         The Christian missionaries considered the study of the folk customs to be very efficient in learning the secrets of the pagan aborigines, their religious reception of the world. They were the first who used the opportunity to record the folk customs. But their “kondoba people’s” stories were never published, never reached the contemporary time.
         The Shors didn’t have the written language, one of the reasons why the people’s oral inspirations were well developed, passing their roots deep into centuries. Among these were songs, legends, fairy tales, stories about warriors and their heroic deeds, sayings. The research works by V.V. Radlov, V.I. Verbitsky, N.P. Direnkova contributed greatly to the preservation of the Shor folklore.

b) Choose the right answer:
1. The moon calendar was a great achievement because
     a) it helped the local tribes to worship animals.
     b) was created by children of nature.
     c) helped the local tribes survive in severe winters and hot summers.
2. The worshiping ritual was  extremely emotional because
     a) it was done by sharmen.
     b) it inspired the idea of the unity with gods.
     c) it was done with tambourines.

3. The dead bodies of the Shors were hung to a tree in winter because
     a) of their barbarism.
     b) of the climate.
     c) they lived in the taiga.
4. The local tribes were turned into Christianity because
     a) Kuznetsk city was founded.
     b) they didn’t want to pay “kalim” ransom.
     c) it was the policy of the Russian government.
5. Oral inspiration was well developed because
     a) of the research works by V.V. Radlov, V.I. Verbitsky, N.P. Direnkova.
     b) of the absence of the written language
     c)  the Christian missionaries recorded the folk customs.

IV. Post-reading stage.
1. Find the English equivalents and use them in the sentences from the   basic text.
1.     поражать воображение                 
2.     осознавать факт
3.     передавать последующим поколениям
4.     быть доступным
5.     учреждать
6.     быть выгодным
7.     постепенно
8.     эффективный
9.     использовать возможность
10.                       записывать
11.                       современный

12.                       вносить вклад

1.     This noisy and extremely emotional ritual not only captured imagination but it also called the gods
2.     Due to this ritual the Shors became aware of the fact that the soul was connected with a string to the god who created the soul.
3.     Their skills were then passed on to subsequent generations.
4.     Hunting was available only to men.
5.     According to the tsar’ decree, in 1858 near the river Kondoma the so-called Altai mission (church) was established. 
6.     Turning into Christianity was beneficial to the Shors.
7.     Gradually families with several wives disappeared, … .
8.     The Christian missionaries considered the study of the folk customs to be very efficient in learning the secrets of the pagan aborigines, … .
9.     They were the first who used the opportunity to record the folk customs.
10.    But their “kondoba people’s” stories were never published, never reached the contemporary time. 
11.    The research works by V.V. Radlov, V.I. Verbitsky, N.P. Direnkova contributed greatly to the preservation of the Shor folklore
  2. Express the same idea using the words of task 1:
1.     You can use the hall on Saturday night.
2.     Your advice was very useful. I won a lot of money.
3.     Does John realize that I am coming?
4.     I am not fond of modern music.
5.     His story made the world’s mass media feel interested in it.
6.     I can’t miss the chance to practice my English.
7.     Moscow state university was founded by M. Lomonosov.
8.     He succeeded in life thanks to the help and support of his family.
9.     We need better methods to improve the work of the committee.
10.           Most patients slowly develop the resistance to the drugs.
11.           Make sure that you have written down the information so that you can use it later.
12.           This myth was then handed down to the people who lived many years later.

                           Grade 9  Country study. Glances on history.    7 September

Краеведение 9 класс
Pages Of History; Linking Past And Present              The Shores
Read the text and 1. fill in the articles where necessary; 2. Fill in the verbs in proper forms:
 Scientists have found indubitable evidence that in the Early Middle Ages no single archaeological culture existed on the contemporary territory of Kemerovo Oblast. It was part of a historical area that, in its origin, is closely connected with the population of today's Tomsk and Novosibirsk Oblasts. However, the fate of the Kuzbass Turks is intertwined with the fate of the Ugro-Samodian people living in the middle reaches of the Ob and Irtysh rivers, in South Ural and along the Kama river.
1. Fill in the articles where necessary:
1.One of … biggest indigenous ethnic communities in … Kuzbass is … Shors. 
2. They speak … Turkic language and live in … south of … Kuzbass, in… area that at … beginning of … 20th century was called … Gornaya Shoria ('Mountain Shoria'). 3.Various groups of Shors' ancestors, in their time, were called after … place where they lived (the Black Tatars, the Mras - living along the Mras-Su river, the Kondoms - along … Kondoma river, or the Uppertom - along the Upper Tom river) or after their kin (Obins, Shors, Kalars and Kargins).
The fist national eco-museum in the south of Siberia, 'Sgol', is established in a taiga village of Ust-Anzas. It is a base for the Shor Centre of Ethnic and Ecological Studies.
There is a Museum of Ethnography and Nature of Gornaya Shoria in Tashtagol City holding unique expositions regarding the traditional culture of Shors and Old Russians.
According to the 2002 Census, there are 11 500 Shors in Kemerovo Oblast, of which over 40 % live in Tashtagol City and around.
The second largest Turkic-speaking community after the Shors is the Teleuts living in Belovo and Novokuznetsk areas. Like the Shors, the Teleuts are considered  northern people though they have always inhabited the Southern Siberian steppes and the Altai foothills. Until recently, the Teleuts were officially considered an
ethnographic group of Southern Altais, but then were recognized as an independent ethnic group.
The Teleut ethnic history goes back as far as many ages ago. The Teleuts descend partially from the local Turks who lived near the Tom river in Kuznetsk Basin and partially from the medieval  cattle-breeders 'Tele'.
One can learn about the Teleut way of life and culture in an eco-museum 'Cholkoy' in the village of Bekovo in Belovo Raion.
According to the 2002 Census, there are 2500 Teleuts in Kemerovo Oblast, two thirds of which are concentrated in Belovo City and around.
There is still a small number of the Kalmaks living in some villages of Yurga and Yashkino rural areas. They descend from a small group of the Teleuts. Close conjugal or religious ties between the Kalmaks and the Kazan and the Siberian Tatars led to the formation of an ethno-territorial group of the Iskitim Tatar-Kalmaks. The Tatars, in their turn, both Siberian and Kazan Tatars, live in Prokopievsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Yurga and other cities in Kuzbass.
Under the agreement between Kemerovo Oblast Administration and the Government of Tatarstan Republic on the economic, scientific, social and cultural co-operation, many schools and libraries in the areas with high concentration of Tatars have received books and textbooks in the Tatar language. Quite traditional in Kuzbass are celebrations of Tatar national holidays and different folk events.
According to the 2002 Census, there are 51 000 Tatars and only 21 Siberian Tatars residing in Kemerovo Oblast.
1.     Fill in the verbs in proper forms:
1.Kemerovo Oblast …(to be) currently implementing a programme 'The Priority Measures of Supporting Indigenous Peoples of Kuzbass'. 2. Kemerovo Oblast Administration … (organize) a comprehensive expedition around Kuzbass and … (provide) funding for practical studies into the problems of indigenous ethnic groups in Kuzbass. 3. Eight schools in Kuzbass… (teach) the Shor language. 4. An increasing number of indigenous people… (enter) technical colleges and universities. 5. Today, over 10% of Shors and Teleuts … (have) college and university diplomas.
The indigenous peoples make a lot of effort to preserve their customs, traditions, culture and language. Some of their representatives are famous all over Kuzbass and Russia: the founder of Shor literature F. Chispiyakov, the author of the Teleut Dictionary L. Ryumina, the members of the Russian Writers Union L. Chulzhanova, V. Boriskin and S. Totysh, the Shor poets S. Torbokov and N. Belchegeshev, the professor, specialist in Shor folklore and founder of the Shor Language Department A. I. Chudoyakov.
Learn the new words:
The Shores – шорцы
The Teleuts – телеуты
Indubitable evidence – неоспоримое свидетельство
Interwine – сплетаться
Indigenous – туземный, местный
Ancestor – предок
Kin – родственники, семья, родные и близкие
Ethnography – этнография
Regard – расценивать, считать
Descend – происходить
Conjugal – супружеский, брачный
Task 3 Agree (T) or disagree (F):
1.     One of the biggest indigenous ethnic communities in Kuzbass is the Turks.
2.     The Shores live in the North of Kuzbass.
3.     The Shors’ ancestors were called after the place where they lived.
4.     The second largest community after the Shors is the Teleuts.
5.     The Teleuts have always inhabited the North Siberian steppes.
6.     The Kalmaks descend from a small group of the Shors.
7.     The indigenous people try to preserve their customs, traditions, culture and language.
8.     Some of these people are famous only in Kuzbass.
May 15 
Kuzbass, which is formally known as the Kuznetsk Coal Basin (the Kuznetsk), lies in the south of Western Siberia, namely in the Kemerovo region. It covers the area of 100,000 square kilometers. It borders on the Altai territory the south- west, on the Novosibirsk region in the west, on the Tomsk region in the north, on the Krasnoyarsk territory in the east
Kuzbass is one of the oldest and largest industrial complexes in Siberia. Kuzbass occupies the territory of the Kuznetskaya Lowland. It is surrounded by mountain chains on the west, on the east and on the south. These mountain chains, like walls, defend our region from dry, southwest winds. They influence the weather of this territory. The climate in Kuzbass is continental. We have four seasons of the year, but winter lasts 5 months here, it begins in November and ends in March. Summer is short and rather hot. July is the hottest month of the year. The temperature is sometimes 25°-35° above zero. It's a big contrast with low winter temperatures, which are sometimes 30-40' below zero. This contrast influences badly the people's health.
There is hardly a territory in Siberia where so much interesting mountains arrangement can be found. It is united with the West Siberian Lowland just only on the north. Its total area is about 30.000 square kilometers.
The biggest river on the territory is the Tom. It flows into the Ob. Its length is over 839 kilometers. The Tom and its tributaries supply fresh water practically for every city in Kuzbass. There are also some other big and little rivers in Kuzbass ,for example , the Kondoma, the Mras-Su, the Kia, the Aba but most of them are polluted because Kuzbass is an industrial zone and the ecological situation is poor.
Metallurgical, coal - mining, machine - building industries are highly - developed here. There are many forests in Kuzbass. 1/7 of wood in Russia is produced here in Kuzbass. There are a lot of kinds of trees. The forests are concentrated in Gornaya Shoria, Kuznetsky Alatau and Salair. They cover all Kuznetskaya Lowland. The foliage trees are concentrated in the lowlands. The coniferous forests are situated in the highlands. The pine-trees, fir-trees can be found there. A lot of animals such as bears, wolves, foxes, elks live in them.
Now Kuzbass is one of the largest developed industrial regions. It is known as one of the Russian and (in some branches) world's largest producers and exporters of coal, steel, iron ore and other mineral resources. No wonder, there are a lot of plants, factories and mines. That's why Kuzbass is said to be a region of coal miners and metal workers. There are some large cities and small towns in Kuzbass. The largest city with the population of 600,000 people is Novokuznetsk. Kemerovo is less than Novokuznetsk but it's a regional center. Mezhdurechensk is situated in the most beautiful place of Kuzbass. It’s a small town but it is famous for its coalmines. Tashtagol is the capital of Gornaya Shoria where the aborigines of Kuzbass live. Kiselevsk, Belovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, earlier had well - developed coal- mining industry, now they are degrading. The ecological situation in Kuzbass is very poor. Kuzbass is called «the zone of ecological disasters». It is an industrial region and its enterprises throw thousands of tons of different wastes. The air, water, soil here is polluted. We all hope for the better future, we hope that Kuzbass with its great potential and resources will become one of the richest and best regions in Russia.

Learn the new words:
    Coal-basin - угольный бассейн               pine-tree - сосна
Mountain chains - цепи гор                     fir-tree - ель
То defend - защищать                            elk - лось
Influence - влияние                                   coal - уголь
Arrangement -
расположение                  steel - сталь
Tributaries - притоки                             iron - железо
То pollute - загрязнять                          to degrade - деградировать
Foliage - листва                                         disaster - бедствие
Coniferous – хвойный 


April 2016 !!! Pay attention, there are keys below the story.

Read the text below and change the words in the right-hand corner in order
 to get a complete and logical text.
Historical cultural and natural museum-preserve “Tomskaya Pisanitsa” (1)                         FOUND
in 1988. The base of museum is the rock with ancient drawings.
 In Siberia the rocks and stones with ancient drawings have name “pisanitsa”.
 Our museum-preserve (2) on the right bank of the Tom River.                                          SITUATE
That is why it is named Tomskaya Pisanitsa.
In Russia Tomskaya Pisanitsa is the (3) museum of Rock Art.                                           ONE
The majority of the images of the Tomskaya Pisanitsa date from the aeneolithic
 period and Bronze Age, III-II millennium B.C. Nowadays the  museum consists of
 the several archaeological and ethnographical expositions in the open air.
 It is brand of Kuzbass! The aims of museum are: providing with varied
 means of access to its collections,(4) visual displays, publications and                              INCLUDE
(5); providing with interpretive information in formats appropriate for                              OTHER
visitors with (6) sight or hearing.                                                                             LIMIT
The territory of the museum-preserve includes pine forests rare for the
 Kemerovo region which extend along the right bank of the Tom.
A pine forest (7)about 90% of the preserve territory. A lot of                                            OCCUPY
 varied species of animals, birds and insects can (8)  there.                                     SEE
An opportunity (9) a rest in preserved corner of Kuzbass by all                                          HAVE
family,  to see expositions, to visit a mini-zoo and to take part in the
game program with(10) became good tradition of the townspeople.                                  CHILD

KEYS:  1. WAS FOUNDED          2. IS SITUATED                 3. FIRST                   4. INCLUDING
5. OTHERS   6. LIMITED  7. OCCUPIES          8. BE SEEN  9. TO HAVE 10. CHILDREN    

Ogni Kuzbassa”
“Ogni Kuzbassa” is a regional literary magazine. The very first issue was published in Kemerovo in 1949. One of the first issues included a novel by Alexander Voloshin called "Earth Kuznetsk", which was awarded a State Prize. It 1)… included some of Michael Nebogatov’s  poems. The Almanac used to come out once or twice a year, depending on the amount of available material.
2)… , a lot of Siberian writers and poets used to be editors of the magazine: A. Voloshin, V. Mazayev, V. Bayanov, G. Urov.  3)… the editor’s chair is occupied by S. Donbay , one of the most famous poets in Kuzbass . Sergey Donbay is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia. A lot of famous writers used to be executive secretaries of the magazine: O. Pavlovsky, V.Makhalov, V.Kuropatov, V. Matveev, V. Zubarev, S. Donbay, A. Katkov and others. 4)… a large contribution to the organization of the magazine, each of them  has always provided “Ogni Kuzbassa” with their remarkable works.
5)… it’s an official "big" literary magazine, issued six times a year. The pages are given not only to famous and experienced, but also to young amateur writers: there’s a special section called "The Literary Studio." There’s also a special column for young writers called "Svetlitsa" (The front room). The magazine also explores it’s motherland  (a column called "Sanctuary Siberia"), it’s remarkable people ("Faces"). 6)… , the sections "Prose" and "Poetry" reflect the current state of literature in Kuzbass. Also there are sections called "Bibliotvorchestvo" and "Criticism and literary criticism" devoted to the analysis of classical and modern literature. A regular column "Literary Life" follows the outside of the literary process. 7)… , the magazine has become a remarkable and valuable part of Siberian cultural life.

I.Complete the text with the words from the box below.

A.   all in all
B.    nowadays
C.   moreover
D.   over the years
E.    aside from
F.    also
G.   now

II. Mark the following statements: true (T), false (F) or not stated (N).
  1. “Ogni Kuzbassa” is a regional fashion magazine.
  2. In the beginning, the Almanac used to come out once or twice a year.
  3. A lot of famous writers used to be executive secretaries of the magazine.
  4. Now it’s a small “underground” magazine.
  5. The magazine cooperates with the Kemerovo State university.
  6. “Ogni Kuzbassa” is very popular among students.
  7. There’s a special column for young writers in the magazine.
  8. The magazine explores the life of the region.
  9. “Ogni Kuzbassa” is quite expensive.
  10.  The magazine is a huge part of Siberian cultural life.
III. Read the text again and match the headings  to the paragraphs. One heading is extra.
  1. Pages of history
  2. Awards
  3. The creators
  4. Modern times
IV. Read the sentences below and insert the words given in the correct form. 
“Ogni Kuzbassa” is a ……………………………….magazine.

The Almanac used to come out ……….. or ……………………….. a year.

A lot of …………………………..  writers used to be executive secretaries of the magazine.

Many of them also provided “Ogni Kuzbassa” with their ……………………………………….

The pages are given not only to famous and ……………………………

The magazine has become a
part of Siberian cultural life.


one, two





IV четверть
Museums in Kemerovo
There are more than 1,500 historical and cultural monuments in Kemerovo Region, 27 of which are of federal significance (14 archeological, 6 historical, 5 architectural, and 2 artistic monuments). The most unusual of these is the Tomsk Trivia (Tomskaya pisanitsa) monument in the village of Pisanaya, Yashkinsky District, which is considered an especially valuable site of the Russian Federation. The most important monuments of  Kuzbass include the 18th- and 19th-century historical and architectural museum at Kuznetsk Fortress in Novokuznetsk, a group of  monuments and historic sites on the former Siberian Highway (Moscow-Irkutsk), and the Shestakovsky historical and cultural complex of archeological monuments and paleontological sites in Chebulinsky District.
Not only has Kemerovo got many theatres, it is also rich in museums, which can meet all the interests.
            The most well known are:
-          Kemerovo Museum of Fine Arts;
-          Kemerovo Museum of Regional Studies;
-          Museum “Krasnaya Gorka”;
-          Museum “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”.
The Museum of Fine Arts is the largest art center in Kemerovo region. Every year they have up to 50 exhibitions.
The Museum of Regional Studies (Kemerovo Regional (Oblast) Museum of Regional History and Folklife) was founded in 1920. It gives its visitors full understanding of the nature and history of Kemerovo region. There are over 80,000 displays in ethnography, social antropology, mineralogy, archaeology ect.
The Krasnaya Gorka museum is the museum of the history of Kemerovo. It was founded in 1992.
The Tomskaya Pisanitsa museum is situated 50km from Kemerovo and occupies 152km2 of wood. It was founded in 1988. It has several displays, the most famous of which are “The Russian Siberian Village”, “Time and calendar”, “Epos and mythology” and “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”. Children can visit its Zoo with bears, wolves, foxes, elks ect. It is really worth seeing.

Kemerovo State University Museum “Archeology, Ethnography and Ecology of Siberia”.

November 27-29

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky was a Russian novelist, short story writer and essayist. He began writing in his 20s, and his first novel, Poor Folk, was published in 1846 when he was 25; his major works include Crime and Punishment (1866), The Idiot (1869), and The Brothers Karamazov (1880). 1) … , his output consists of eleven novels, three novellas, seventeen short novels and numerous other works. Many literary critics rate him as one of the greatest and most prominent psychologists in world literature.
Born in Moscow in 1821, Dostoyevsky was introduced to literature at an early age through fairy tales and legends, and through books by Russian and foreign authors. His mother died in 1837, when he was 15, and around the same time he left school to enter the Nikolayev Military Engineering Institute. 2) … graduating, he worked as an engineer and briefly enjoyed a lavish lifestyle, translating books to earn extra money. In the mid-1840s he wrote his first novel, Poor Folk, which gained him entry into St. Petersburg's literary circles.
In 1849 he was arrested for his involvement with the Petrashevsky Circle, a secret society of liberal utopians that also functioned as a literary discussion group. He and other members were condemned to death, but at the last moment, a note from Tsar Nicholas I was delivered to the scene of the firing squad, commuting the sentence to four years' hard labour in Siberia. His seizures, which may have started in 1839, increased in frequency there, and he was diagnosed with epilepsy. 3) …., he was forced to serve as a soldier, before being discharged on grounds of ill health.
4)… , Dostoyevsky worked as a journalist, publishing and editing several magazines of his own and, later, A Writer's Diary, a collection of his writings. He began to travel around western Europe and developed a gambling addiction, which led to financial hardship. For a time, he had to beg for money, but he eventually became one of the most widely read and highly regarded Russian writers. His books have been translated into more than 170 languages and have sold around 15 million copies. 5)…. , Dostoyevsky influenced a multitude of writers, from Anton Chekhov and James Joyce to Ernest Hemingway and Jean-Paul Sartre.
I. Complete the text with the words from the box below.
Подпись: A. on his release
B. all in all
C. in the following years
D. after
E. in addition

II. Mark the following statements: true (T), false (F) or not stated (N).
  1. Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a Russian poet.
  2. Dostoyevsky was the fifth child in the family.
  3. In the mid-1840s he wrote his first novel, crime and punishment.
  4. Many literary critics rate him as the best Russian writer of all times.
  5. In 1849 he was arrested for a murder.
  6. His books have been translated into more than 170 languages.
  7. Dostoyevsky had three sons.
  8. Dostoyevsky influenced a lot of writers.
  9. His favorite place in the world was Ukraine.
  10.  The writer suffered from epilepsy.
III. Read the text again and match the headings  to the paragraphs. One heading is extra.
  1. Early years
  2. Family life
  3. International success
  4. Crime and punishment
  5. General information

IV. Read the sentences below and insert the words given in the correct form. 
Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a Russian ………………
In 1849 he was arrested for his …with the Petrashevsky Circle.
Dostoyevsky used to work as a ………………………
The writer travelled around ………………………………  Europe.
He became …………………………..  one of the most famous Russian writers.
The writer was said to have a ………………………… character.



Dostoyevsky and Siberia.
Most observers have agreed that the years Dostoyevsky spent in Siberian imprisonment were beneficial to his development as a man, writer and thinker, transforming him into a serious and confident artist. What Dostoyevsky gained in prison - a remarkable tragic vision - he later injected into the novels he started writing soon after returning to civilization: ''Crime and Punishment,'' ''The Possessed,'' ''The Idiot'' and ''The Brothers Karamazov.''
One of the most famous places that still keep the spirit of the legendary writer is the F.M.Dostoevsky Literary-Memorial Museum in Novokuznetsk.
 1)…. Dostoevsky spent little more than twenty days in Kuznetsk, a small provincial town in the province of Tomsk, located 530 kilometers from Semipalatinsk. On February 6, 1857, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva were married in the Odigitrievsk Church. Their two-year love affair, complete with drama and suffering, culminated in marriage. Dostoevsky left Kuznetsk in a new position - in one day he had become a husband and a father. By marrying Maria, Dostoevsky had also taken on the responsibility of her six-year-old son Pavel (from her first marriage to Alexander Isaev). 2)…. since he had left his parents' home, Dostoevsky had a family. It seemed to him that now he would never be lonely. 3) … the Siberian cities where Dostoevsky had spent time, Kuznetsk was the only one marked by joy and a sense of true freedom. Here Dostoevsky had decided his own fate.
Dostoevsky wrote nothing about Kuznetsk. The small, unremarkable city left no concrete imprint on his memory: it was significant and attractive for the writer only because his beloved lived there. 4) …all his hopes for their future life together were connected with Kuznetsk itself.

A.   Thus
B.   For the first time   
C.   As a result
D.   In all 
E.    Out of all

5) … , on May 18, 1980, the F.M.Dostoevsky Literary-Memorial Museum opened in Novokuznetsk (as Kuznetsk has come to be called). Located at 40 Dostoevsky St., the residence where from 1855-57 Maria Isaeva had rented lodgings from the tailor M.D.Dmitriev, the museum was originally an affiliate of the Museum of Regional Studies. On March 1, 1991, it received the status of an independent cultural institution, as well as an additional building across from the historical site. The Kuznetsk events of Dostoevsky's life form the basis for the literary exhibit here. Its designers devised a tri-part presentation of the writer's life, his creative process, and his philosophy. The Museum's exhibit, by breaking away from mundane notions of time, shows the writer's "Kuznetsk collision" in its timeless, eternal significance.
1.Complete the text with the words from the box below.
2.     Mark the following statements: true (T), false (F) or not stated (N).
  1. The years Dostoyevsky spent in Siberian imprisonment were beneficial to his development as a father.
  2. Dostoyevsky used his new tragic vision in his later work.
  3. Dostoevsky spent little more than two weeks in Kuznetsk.
  4. On February 6, 1857, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva were married in Saint Petersburg.
  5. By marrying Maria, Dostoevsky had also taken on the responsibility of her ten year-old son.
  6. Dostoevsky had decided his own fate in Kuznetsk.
  7. All his hopes for their future life together were not connected with Kuznetsk itself.
3.Read the text again and match the headings  to the paragraphs. One heading is extra.

  1. Dostoyevsky’s death
  2. The Museum
  3. What did it mean?
  4. New edge of the talent
  5. Short time, long story
  6. The Museum's exhibitions
IV.    Read the sentences below and insert the words given in the correct form. 
Dostoyevsky’s gifs was ……
Kuznetsk was the only place where the writer gained ……………
Kuznetsk was an ….       city.
………, the writer’s life became better.
The Museum in Novokuznetsk is an
independent ………institution.
The Museum has different…..



November 22nd-23d
Writers of Siberia. Text 2
Yevgeni Grishkovetz

A.   also 
B.   upon
C.   usually  
D.   once 
E.    nowadays 
F.    along with
Yevgeni Grishkovetz is one of the most famous Siberian people of modern time. He is a popular writer, dramatist, stage director, and actor. 1) …….he was a sailor. 2) ……… he is called “a one man theatre”, and “a one man band”: he is widely known as the author of witty plays, which he stages and performs himself. For a surprisingly short period (just about three or four years) Grishkovetz managed to rise from a provincial film director known only in close theatre circles to a crowd-puller praised by mass media and distinguished by juries of the most prestigious awards.
Grishkovetz has made nearly a cult figure of our time, a sort of a mouthpiece of modern Russian intelligentsia. He speaks about things which are quite clear and kindred to those who still can refer themselves to this almost extinct class. It is quite understandable why Grishkovetz as a story teller is so minimal and primitive in style. 3) …….. his writings seem to be intended for children, or rather, look like school compositions: in simple words and simple sentences, with lots of repetitions.
Yevgeni Valerievich Grishkovetz was born on February 17, 1967 in Kemerovo. In 1984 he entered the Philology Faculty of Kemerovo State University and graduated only in 1994 as in between the university studies Yevgeni found himself serving in the Pacific Navy - the experience lasting for three years. 4) ……… demobilization he returned to the university, where he played in the students’ theatre of pantomime and took part in various theatre festivals. In 1990 Grishkovetz founded the independent theatre “Lozha” (translated as ‘theatre-box’) that staged ten play productions within seven years of its existence. In 1998 Grishkovets moved to Kaliningrad city.
November 1988, when his play How I Have Eaten a Dog was performed for seventeen viewers in the smoking room of the Russian Army Theatre in Moscow, became the turning point in life of Grishkovetz: the doors to the capital audience opened wide.
Grishkovetz has staged authorial plays OdnovrEmEnno (Simultaneously), Planeta (The planet), Osada (The Siege), Titanic, po Po and published a number of his books: collected plays Gorod (City) (2001), Kak ya syel sobaku (How I have eaten a dog) (2003), the novel Rubashka (A Shirt) (2004), the story Reki (Rivers) (2005), and collected stories Planka (2006).
5) …….   his success in literature and theatre Grishkovetz has shown his talent as a narrator by recording two albums of his own texts recited to the accompaniment of the Bigoudi band. The albums were titled Seichas (Now) (2003) and Pet’ (To Sing) (2004). Grishkovets comments on this creation as follows: “I am not good at singing. More than that, I do not sing at all. I like the way others sing, and I wish I could sing myself, but both of the albums with Bigoudi reproduce a non-singing man’s voice, just the one which can set at ease thousands of people who want to sing but will never be able to sing”.This versatile actor has  6) ……    played some supporting roles in a number of remarkable Russian films, such as The Stroll, Not by Bread Alone, and The First Circle.

Grishkovetz lives in Kaliningrad and tours a lot with his theatre productions which have become classical within just a few years. He tours both in Russia and in Europe where he has turned into a welcome guest at many prestigious festivals. When taking the stage Yevgeni Grishkovetz  always thanks the audience: “Thank you for having bought the tickets. You pay the money I live on”.
1Complete the text with the words from the box below.
II.Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
A.   Yevgeni Grishkovetz  for performing with his theatre studio.
B.   Grishkovetz  speaks about things in a very complicated way.
C.   Grishkovetz founded an independent theatre in Kemerovo.
D.   Now the writer and his family live in Kaliningrad.
E.    Yevgeni  thinks he’s very good at singing.
F.    The writer often tours both inside and outside of Russia.
G.   Grishkovetz is famous for his books only.
III.     Read the text again and match the headings  to the paragraphs. One heading is extra.

A.   Bibliography
B.   As simply as possible
C.   Early years
D.   Difficult sides of creation
E.    The first triumph
F.    A different side
G.   Always welcome
H.   Made in Siberia
IV.    Read the sentences below and insert the words given in the correct form. 
A.   Yevgeni Grishkovetz is very ……………………..
B.   He is a popular writer, ………………, stage director, and actor.
C.   Grishkovetz founded the ………………………theatre “Lozha”.
D.   He is a welcome guest at many ………………………………festivals.
E.    It is quite ………………………….. why Grishkovetz as a story teller is so minimal and primitive in style.

Find the English-Russian equivalents from the basic story:the words are underlined.

November 20 
we start a new topic!!!

   Writers and Poets of Siberia
1)… that Russia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The nature of Russia has always been an inspiration for a lot of gifted people. Among them there are, of course, our poets and writers. When we think about Russian poets and writers, we always link them to either Moscow or Saint Petersburg. But the land that has probably the most interesting connection with the world of literature is, of course, Siberia.
2)…, Siberia has been the motherland of poets and writers for quite a bit of time. Even though a lot of them were actually sent to Siberia as prisoners, they still found the land to be unique and inspiring. 3) … , one of the most famous Russian authors, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, was sent to Omsk for four years. Most observers have agreed that the years Dostoyevsky spent in Siberian imprisonment were beneficial to his development as a man, writer and thinker, transforming him into a serious and confident artist.
4) … , when Siberia stopped being a prison rather than a beautiful land, more and more authors from this region gained popularity. A lot of Siberian authors created their best and most piercing poems during the Great Patriotic War. Boris Bogatkov, Evgeni Bereznitsky, Georgy Doronin, Konstantin Bryansky, Vladimir Chugunov and many other Siberian poets are famous for their war poems. \
5) … Siberian authors have a lot of opportunities to publish their works due to rapid development of the Internet and Siberian media. The authors from Kuzbass, for example, even have their own Union. Members of the union often organize a lot of festivals for both adults and children. Moreover, there are at least two Literary Studios in Kuzbass – “Az” and “Svoi Golos”. These studios help young poets and writers become more professional and inspired. These studios were organized by such experienced and  talented poets as Boris Burmistrov, Alexander Ibragimov and Iosif Kuralov.
6)… , the future of Siberian literature seems to have a great potential. More and more authors become popular, including the youngest ones. The vast and beautiful Land of Siberia has always been a source of inspiration for many creative people, and the history of Siberian literature will be continued with the younger generation of great poets and writers.
I.                   Complete the text with the words from the box below.
A.    all in all== B. years later== C. to begin with ==D. nowadays 
E. it is not a secret  ===   F. for example

II.                Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
A.    The nature of Russia has been an inspiration for a few gifted people.
B.     Siberia has been the motherland of poets and writers for a long time.
C.     The years Dostoyevsky spent in Siberian imprisonments were harmful to him.
D.    A lot of Siberian authors created their best works during the Vietnam War.
E.     Siberian authors of modern time have few opportunities to publish their works.
F.      The literary studios are organized to help young poets and writers.
G.    The future of Siberian literature doesn’t seem to have any potential.
III.             Read the text again and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). One heading is extra.

  1. Female writers of Siberia
  2. Tragic pages of history
  3. What’s ahead?
  4. Growing the next generation
  5. The inspiring land
  6. The imprisoned talent
IV.             Read the sentences below and insert the words given in the correct form. 
  1. The nature of Russia has always been an inspiration for a lot of ……………. people.
  1. A lot of  ………….. were actually sent to Siberia as prisoners.
  1. A lot of Siberian authors created their …………………   poems during the Great Patriotic War.
  1. The  …………………….. of the Internet helps authors publish their works.
  1. Literary studios help young poets and writers become more ……
  1. The Land of Siberia has always been a source of inspiration for many ………………………………..   people.

October 20
here's a story for our future class "A virtual library"

Task 2 Read the text and add information to your tables:
A virtual library is a digital space that keeps and organizes virtual books and their associated documents. It also can refer to a space where the books can be read. These spaces can include computers, mobile devices and the Internet. Some virtual libraries can be accessed for free, and others require subscriptions.
An advantage of using a virtual library is that it is able to store many books in a small amount of space. Physical books can take up a lot of space. By using a digital library, readers can access their entire personal libraries in one location, on either a computer or a mobile device. The need for physical books diminishes by using a virtual library, so digital libraries also have the benefit of helping to conserve paper resources.
The term "virtual library" also can be used to refer to a collection of books that are readily available to be read on the Internet. These books often can be read for free and are available under public domain. Any users who find a book under one of these circumstances can read it and use it within the terms set forth by the organization providing the books. They must also follow any laws connected to reading the book.
In the same way, virtual libraries can exist within book subscription services. Some institutions, such as colleges and universities, can provide access to a virtual library. Libraries can have content licenses in place, so patrons might have to authenticate themselves through the use of accounts set up through the library before they can access these materials, however.
Although a virtual library can be, hypothetically, used without the need for the world wide web, the Internet is often tied to digital libraries. Certain websites offer users the ability to catalog and organize their digital libraries. They can also provide users with suggestions for new books to read, based on the content of their libraries, can give them the opportunity to connect with other users who share the same tastes. Some websites can implement community-based features, such as those that enable users to participate in virtual book clubs and read peer reviews of books.
Some mobile devices offer their owners the ability to purchase and download books directly onto their devices. These books can be organized by means of a virtual bookshelf, which can come bundled with the program used to purchase the book. When a user wants to read a book that has been purchased, he or she can simply access the program's interface and choose the book from a virtual bookshelf.
Task 1. Try to guess the meaning of these words and phrases.
3. Diminish
4. Benefit
6. Authenticate
7. Account
 10.Virtual bookshelf

a)выгода, польза
b)виртуальная книжная полка
h)уменьшать, ослаблять
j)область, сфера
Task 2. Find the sentences with these words and phrases in the text and translate them.
Task 3. Complete the sentences:
  1. A virtual library is … .
  2. It can also refer to … .
  3. It includes … .
  4. It is able to … .
  5. This term also can be used to … .
  6. Some institutions can provide … .
  7. A virtual library is often tied to … .
  8. Mobile devices offer the ability to … .
Task 3. Use these sentences as a plan to speak about virtual libraries.
Task 4. Can you name some virtual libraries? Use the Internet.
Additional information:
What is a virtual library? The term has been defined by many different people in many different ways. It is a library in which the holdings are found in electronic stacks. It is a library that exists, without any regard to a physical space or location. It is a technological way to bring together the resources of various libraries and information services, both internal and external, all in one place, so users can find what they need quickly and easily.  
When they work, virtual libraries can be very useful and very diverse in what they contain. The options for what they can include are virtually endless, and become more and more boundless as technology advances. Some of the content of a virtual library may include, but certainly is not limited to, CD-ROM, Internet subscriptions, lists of annotated web links, internal work products (such as brief banks), proprietary databases (such as LexisNexis or Westlaw) and even web spiders or push technology that deliver targeted research to the user.
As you can probably already tell, there are many advantages to going virtual. Some of the advantages include the following:
  • It saves and/or reduces the physical space taken up by library materials.
  • The library materials are available at the user's desktop, regardless of where the user is physically located.
  • It allows for the inclusion of materials only available on the Internet or in digital format.
  • It provides the user with the capability to download and manipulate text.
  • It eliminates the problem of a book being missing or off the shelf.
  • It is less labor intensive.
BUT it takes a lot more time from a librarian, and/or possibly someone in the IT department, to learn how to install, maintain and use the product.
For now, the disadvantages include the following:
  • Every product has its own distinct user interface.
  • Users need to remember different passwords for different products.
  • The scope of coverage and available archives is often limited.
  • There are often difficulties with downloading or printing.
  • Often there is no cost savings, especially when both the virtual and print products are maintained.
  • Everything is NOT available in digital format.
  • The virtual library relies on power and computer networks in order to be available for use.
  • Users can't spread everything out in front of them and use it all at once.
  • Users are most comfortable using books.
October 9

Here's a new story to read and comprehend---LIBRARIES

  1. What is a library?
Task I. Read the text about libraries and answer the questions after it:
The Word library comes from the Latin word ‘liber’, meaning ‘book’. This is a place where information in printed (book, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected. Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities and there are libraries at schools, universities, colleges. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, inquire, relax, discuss, learn and think.
The largest and the best known libraries in the world are: the British National library in London, the Library of Congress in Washington and The Russian State Library. The British Library is the largest state library in Britain and is one of the finest libraries in the world. It is a rapidly growing modern research library with all its current publications. People who want to read for higher degrees and who are engaged in research in their spare time visit this library. Another library which is known throughout the world is the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. It was established as a reference library in 1600 and gradually would come a world famous institution that now occupies three huge buildings.

 the British Library (London)

 the Library of Congress (Washington)
 the Russian         State Library (Moscow)

A great number of items of books, newspapers, periodicals, manuscripts, films, maps and works of drama, music, art and important and exciting documents are kept in library’s archives. There are materials on practically every subject.
                Of course there is a catalogue of books. The titles and authors of all the books in the library can be found in a card catalogue or a computer listing. Each card in catalogue gives very helpful information about the book. Most libraries have a professional staff whose first duty is to help you.
Librarians also select books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily use them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or advise you how to find the information you need. The library today is a center for all kinds of communication: printed, pictured, recorded and even electronically stored.
The national libraries of different countries keep in touch and exchange books and information.
1.What is a library?
2. What are the largest libraries in the world?
3. What can you find in library archives?
4. What work do librarians do?
5. In what way are libraries all over the world connected?
Task 2. Find some information about one of the world’s largest libraries and describe it.

  1. Kemerovo Libraries
Task I. Read the text and change the words on the right in order to get a logical text:
There are 30 municipal and 3 1(REGIONAL) libraries in Kemerovo. More than 1million 2(…) of Kemerovo and Kemerovo Region visit these libraries every year. They have a great number of  books, newspapers, magazines, audio and video materials and electronic editions to suit 3 (…) tastes, which contain various information on 4 (…) every subject.
The 5 (…) and the 6 (…) libraries in Kemerovo are the Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library named after Fedorov V.D., the Kemerovo Regional Scientific Medical Library, the Kemerovo Regional Library for 7 (…) and the Youth and the 8 (…) Library named after Gogol I.V. Kemerovo State University is famous for its Research Library (the Kemerovo State University Research Library).




the Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library named after Fedorov V.D.

Task 2. Give information about one of the Kemerovo libraries.

Setpember 30
dear friends,
there are some photos of the city and a model how to describe them. just follow it.

and here's a sample to help in describing pictures

·          I took this photo during my winter holidays when we went to the ski resort in the Caucasus. After the Winter Olympic Games 2014, Sochi attracts lots of tourists both from Russia and from around the world.
·         In the foreground of the picture you can see two children: a boy and a girl. They came here from Novosibirsk. They told me that they had started to ski when they were only three years old, that's why they look very confident on the snowy mountain slopes. The children are wearing bright ski suits made of special fabrics that protect them from cold and at the same time are very light that helps them move quickly. They also have all the necessary skiing equipment for this kind of sport such as alpine skis, plastic boots with special bindings, helmets, ski poles and goggle mounts.
·         In the background of the picture you can see mountain peaks covered with snow and some kind of pines. You can't see the mountains quite well from behind the clouds but it is a common phenomenon in this area.
·         At the very particular moment the children are learning a new downhill technique. And now they stopped for a while to take breath. Sometimes I saw them landing in a fall but they went to square one again and again. They didn't give up, so I should admit that they have got strong willpower. As you can see they look very healthy and happy. I believe that it's very useful to take up to sport from childhood. This will teach you to overcome difficulties in life, will teach you to win or to lose.
·         I took this photo because we made friends with the family from Novosibirsk and their cute kids and I want to remember the beautiful moments of my vacation.
·         I decided to show you this photo because I want you to appreciate these two young sportsmen and the beauty of the Caucasus Mountains.
That is all I wanted to say

September, 23d
here is the story to assist your monologue about the place/ the city You live in. make useof it!

Kemerovo is an administrative of Kemerovo region, located in the southwestern Siberia on the banks of the river Tom in the middle flow thereof. The population of the city is about 525.000 inhabitants. Kemerovo is a business and industrial city. The main mineral is coal.  The presence of the raw material in the form of coalfields contributed to the creation of powerful energy and chemical complex. The area of the city in current boundaries is 279 square km.  Kemerovo is the heart of Kuzbass. It is supposed to be an administrative centre. Hence, financial, industrial, political and cultural centre is concentrated herein. Today the city is on the rise. The new blocks of flats, business centres and shopping centres are being built in the city. Industry is developing. Business life is in full swing. All these facts are characteristics of the development of the whole region. It is very profitable to invest money in Kemerovo.  The city is changing day by day. 15 years ago  Kemerovo was known as a polluted city with a very bad ecological situation. Today many people consider Kemerovo to be one of the cleanest and the neatest cities of Russia. Shining shop windows at the night, the lights of neon sights are lit in the thoroughfare. The city really look like the capital. At the same time Kemerovo doesn’t lose a particular cosiness particular to provincial towns. The city is rather compact.
Every tenth inhabitant of the city studies at the institute of higher education.  There are 9 institutes of higher education and 52 000 students  in Kemerovo.
Kemerovo is not only administrative but also a cultural centre  of Kuzbass. There are 4 big theatres in the city putting on performances as in traditional as in new dramatic solutions. The shows are often sold out.
Every city is first of all in its inhabitants.  The city inhabitants love their native city.  Today it has become not only the expression of patriotic feelings but also fashionable.  Kemerovites  inherit the traditional Siberian hospitality/ the guests from all over the world  are expected to make sure of it.

September, 21st                                   Country study-8th form

Dear students, here is the link to the video we discussed in class
and....a story to assist your monologue is to follow, too.(it's the second time I've refered to it)
make use of both of them.

2. Kemerovo nowadays
1.Kemerovo is the capital of Kuzbass, its most important residential, industrial, cultural and educational center. Kemerovo is a young city. It was founded about 100 years ago on the banks of the river Tom.  The little village Sheglovka by name has changed beyond recognition. Today Kemerovo is a beautiful, modern city with a population of nearly a million residents. You can see many old and modern buildings, wide and straight streets, big and small squares, green parks.
2. Kemerovo is one of the largest industrial centers of Siberia. Kemerovo is famous for its coal mines, chemical and machine-building plants, factories. The leading branch of industry is chemical. Products of Kemerovo plants are exported to more than 30 countries.
3. Kemerovo is also a town of students. There are 7 higher educational institutions in it: the State University, the Polytechnical University, the Medical Academy, the Academy of Art and Culture, the Technological Institute of Food Industry, the Higher Military School for, the University of Commerce and Trade.
4. Besides, Kemerovo is a cultural center of the region. Four theatres, a circus, Philarmonic Society and two museums work in the city. The Kemerovites and visitors can go to the Drama or Musical Comedy Theatre, the Concert Hall, the Puppet Show, the Circus, the Theatre for the Young, as well as its museums, picture galleries, cinemas.
The Kemerovites are proud of their native city and make it more and more beautiful from year to year.
5.They say, East or West, home is best. Nearly every person takes native city dear to the heart. My city is really remarkable nowadays.  Today it is a modern Siberian center with wide streets and prospects. In the center  there are three beautiful squares: Soviet Square, Teatralnaya Square and Volkov Square. There are many parks and gardens in the city. One of the favourite recreational areas is the city park near the beautiful Tom embankment.
Summing it up, I can honestly say that I’m proud of my native town Kemerovo and I think it’s the best place to live in. Kemerovo is a modern city with something for everyone. Don’t miss the chance to visit it!


September, 11                                                          Краеведение 8 класс

dear 8th formers,

 we launch a new page "Country Study" to assist our academic classes on the topics "This land is my land", "The glory of our region", "The many-sided layout of my city", "Letters from Kuzbass and about Kuzbass". Here's the very first introductory story about the city we live in:

       Kemerovo is the capital of Kuzbass, 
its most important (1) _____, industrial,              1. RESIDENT 
cultural and educational centre. Kemerovo 
is a young city. It was founded about 100 years 
ago on the banks of the river Tom. The little 
village Shcheglovka by name has changed  beyond the (2) ____  RECOGNIZE _ . 
Today Kemerovo is        a (3) _____, modern city                                       3. BEAUTY 
 with a (4) ________ of 500 thousand                    4. POPULATE
 residents. You can see many old and 
 modern buildings, wide and straight streets, 
 big and small squares, green parks. 
              Kemerovo is one of the largest(5) ____              5. INDUSTRY 
 centers of Siberia. Kemerovo is (6) ___              6. FAME 
 for its coal mines, chemical and machine-
 building plants, factories. 
             The (7) _____branch of industry is chemical.     7.   LEAD 
 Kemerovo is also a town of students. 
 There are a number of higher (8) ___                 8. EDUCATION 
 institutions in it. 
And now look at the keys: 
1. RESIDENTIAL     - жилой
2. RECOGNITION  - узнаваемость
7. LEADING  -ведущий


sample letter 

Task  5 Read Ann’s letter about her native city. Compare her native city with the place where you live, answer her questions, write 100-120 words. Don’t forget the rules of letter writing.

Dear Lisa,
…. I’d like to tell you about the city where I live. I was born in Novokuznetsk and I love it very much. It is a big city in southwest Siberia. It stands on the river Tom. It is a long and wide river, which flows through many towns and cities of our region. I live in the center of the city. This part of the city is modern and very beautiful. There is the circus and the Museum of Fine Arts there. I like walking along the streets of the city with my friends or parents.
People call Novokuznetsk “a garden city”. My native city is a beautiful place and it is very important for me. What is your native city like? Where can you entertain yourself? Where do you like to go in your free time?
  Картинки по запросу кемерово

1. Kemerovo

A bit of history

Kemerovo is an old city. In 1703 the village of Shcheglovo (1)… for the first time. The first settlers were peasants who escaped to Siberia from their landlords. In 1721 Mikhailo Volkov discovered “the burnt mountain” in the area. After that (2)… began. 

The business prospered, the population grew. In 1867 there were 7 villages in the area, the biggest of them were Kemerovo and Shcheglovo. After the October Revolution in 1918 these villages (3)… into a town of Shcheglovsk. It became an important industrial center of Siberia. In 1932 it was renamed Kemerovo, because the word Kemerovo means “coal” in (4)…, so it describes the mineral resources of the area.In 1943, (5)… Kemerovo region, Kemerovo became its administrative center.

Картинки по запросу кемерово 

Read the text and fill in the missing phrases:

1. aboriginal language

2. the exploitation of coalfield

3. with the formation of

4. were transformed

5. was mentioned in chronicles


Картинки по запросу кемерово

Похожее изображение2. Kemerovo nowadays   Картинки по запросу кемерово  

1.Kemerovo is the capital of Kuzbass, its most important residential, industrial, cultural and educational centre. Kemerovo is a young city. It was founded a little more than 20 years ago, on the banks of the river Tom.  The little village Sheglovka by name has changed beyond recognition. Today Kemerovo is a beautiful, modern city with a population of nearly a million residents. You can see many old and modern buildings, wide and straight streets, big and small squares, green parks. 

2. Kemerovo is one of the largest industrial centers of Siberia. Kemerovo is famous for its coal mines, chemical and machine-building plants, factories. The leading branch of industry is chemical. Products of Kemerovo plants are exported to more than 30 countries. 

Картинки по запросу кемерово   Картинки по запросу кемерово

3. Kemerovo is also a town of students. There are 7 higher educational institutions in it: the State University, the Polytechnical University, the Medical Academy, the Academy of Art and Culture, the Technological Institute of Food Industry, the Higher Military School for, the University of Commerce and Trade. 

4. Besides, Kemerovo is a cultural center of the region. Four theatres, a circus, Philarmonic Society and two museums work in the city. The Kemerovites and visitors can go to the Drama or Musical Comedy Theatre, the Concert Hall, the Puppet Show, the Circus, the Theatre for the Young, as well as its museums, picture galleries, cinemas.

The Kemerovites are proud of their native city and make it more and more beautiful from year to year. 

Картинки по запросу кемерово     Картинки по запросу кемерово

5.They say, East or West, home is best. Nearly every person takes native city dear to the heart. My city is really remarkable nowadays.  Today it is a modern Siberian center with wide streets and prospects. In the center  there are three beautiful squares: Soviet Square, Teatralnaya Square and Volkov Square. There are many parks and gardens in the city. One of the favourite recreational areas is the city park near the beautiful Tom embankment.

Summing it up, I can honestly say that I’m proud of my native town Kemerovo and I think it’s the best place to live in. Kemerovo is a modern city with something for everyone. Don’t miss the chance to visit it! 

Картинки по запросу кемерово            Картинки по запросу кемерово

Task 1 Match the paragraph and the title (one title is extra):

a) A modern Siberian center.

b) A place of natural wonders.

c) A town of students.

d) A young city.

e) An industrial center.

f) A cultural center.


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